Friday, February 22, 2013

"Suffer 90 Minutes in Here"

I went to Bikram last evening at 5:30pm. The instructor said in class "Suffer 90 minutes in here or suffer 90 years in your life".  This class was tough, as usual, but the heat didn't bother me at all. I learned from my last class not to wipe the sweat off (unless its in my eyes) because the sweat keeps your body cool. I also told myself before class that it wasn't going to be too hot in there. I paid no attention to the heat during the 90 minute class. I concentrated on each of the 26 poses and breathing and the heat absolutely did not bother me at all. She didn't even crack the door open at certain points in this class so there was no cold air break at all and it still didn't bother me.

I can't even explain how exhausting the class is once you've finished. It feels very similar to how I feel after running a long race. I came home starving, ate dinner, showered and then had to sleep. I think I passed out at 8:30pm and woke up at 5am and headed off to spin.

My muscles were sore this morning. Spin was difficult and my legs felt heavy. Of course, the Body Guard looooved his climbs so that's what we spent our hour doing. "Don't paddle like a duck!" He wasn't about to let anyone get away with that. I biked about 19 miles and burned 473 calories and promptly scarfed down my oatmeal and eggs when I got home. (oh, and a multi vitamin, Omega 3 and B-12).

My favorite little man has been sick for his entire school vacation and accompanied me to work again. He conned me into taking him to lunch:

Check out those dark circles! Poor guy. He was starved for lunch since he hasn't eaten much the past few days. He told me had "had to have a ham sandwich with tomato and cheese from Wegmans" so that's what we got. He also "had to have cheese puffs and then some candy out of the bulk section". I'm such a push over. I also purchased him a green tumbler for his chocolate milk that he insisted would "make the milk taste better Mama." Not the healthiest lunch but I was just glad that he was eating finally.

I had a (very expensive) salad followed up with :

This is an intense Kombucha. I can handle the greenest of green juice so this was fine for me but be warned, it is not sweet and there is algae floating in it. A good starter Kombucha from this brand is the Ginger-Aid. I'm just quite weird and love my green drinks bitter and grass-tasting.

Check out this product I saw on the shelves:

It's like the powdered Gatorade but it's just Coconut Water! I'm definitely going to do some research on this.

I also came across this fruit in the produce section:

It's called a Sumo. Anyone have one?? I'm curious!

We're watching "Die Hard" tonight because I live under a rock and have never seen it. ha! Anyone else completely SICK of this winter???? Ugh.

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