Thursday, April 4, 2013

My New Juice Bottle and some "dreadmill" talk

I didn't want to run on the "dreadmill" today.

I had initially decided to run outside during my lunch since the temps are starting to warm up a bit today but at 10:45am I stepped outside my office and decided that I didn't have enough warm running gear with me. Then, I kept trying to talk myself out of running all together.

"Maybe I can go after work"  "No, it's my sons birthday and I won't make it to the gym tonight"
"OK, so run extra on Saturday" "I had planned on just doing Body Pump on Saturday and not running"

Finally, I just got up from my desk and went into the bathroom and changed into my running clothes and headed out the front door and to the gym.

Shut up brain.

Sometimes, these runs that you really have to force yourself to start end up being great runs.

I ran from 7.5 miles (8 min per mile) to 8.8 (6:43 per mile) for the entire run and ended up at 7 miles in 51 minutes. I even upped the incline every so often until my calves burned. Not too shabby!

Btw, yesterdays juice (just in case you were wondering) was carrot, kale and cucumber and was brought to work in this new nifty juice bottle:

I'm planning on heading down to the Public Market this weekend and really stock up on some cheap juicing veg! Ever had beet juice? It's awesome but it definitely stains your teeth!

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