Monday, April 15, 2013

The New Work Out Plan

I decided to change up my weekly work out schedule a bit to incorporate more strength training.

I'll do:

2 days per week Body Pump
1 day per week Bikram Yoga
3 days per week Cardio

I think, going forward, I'm going to try to stick with a Saturday a.m. Body Pump class (7am) and Monday lunch break work out (11 am). These are good times for me since they don't really "invade" into my daily schedule and I can still get my strength training done. I won't do it on my own. I don't push myself and weights are not my most favorite thing, although, the results from working out with weights is awesome. I have to do my strength training in a class setting in order to push myself so that's what's going to happen.

I did a great run this past weekend:

8 miles in 60 minutes, averaging 7:50 per mile. Not too shabby! I would like to get a nice outdoor run tomorrow, if it isn't raining.

So, I'm currently deciding between two items:

Polar FT40 Women's Heart Rate Monitor Watch


Up by Jawbone

I have a lot of research to do on this decision. Both track your activity, calories burned and heart rate for any activities. Both are water proof. Decisions Decisions!!

Any input would be greatly appreciated!

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